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Hold on to what is good even if it is a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe even if it is a tree which stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do even if it is a long way from here.
Hold on to life even when it is easier letting go.
Hold on to my hand even when I have gone away from you.
- Pueblo Blessing

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Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 - 6:04 a.m.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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WARNING!!!! if you know me personally, you may read my diary, but if you do, you take the chance of hearing things you don't want to know, misunderstanding what I've written and being hurt by it. If you are unsure if it is ok to read, save yourself and me the grief and heartache, and ask first!!! Please note that this is a DIARY, ie my subjective feelings, hearsay, suppositions, and outpourings of ranting of the moment. It does not represent objective news, the whole of what I think of a topic or someone, or even a thought-out representation of any of the above. Keep that in mind. Thanks. * Here is a Diary Etiquette Read Me.

Yes, I'm a White Feminist

And you wonder why I have a sporadic but healthy fear of transracial adoption.

Here is an article that plays into why I do NOT fill my house full of "ethnic" items, and why I am seriously critical of myself adopting a nonwhite child of another culture. It is weird eh... can't really win. If I adopt a white child, I am racist for chosing my own race and for leaving the wonderful children of every other race to languish unwanted and unloved in orphanages, foster homes and institutions. And if I adopt a nonwhite child, I am racist for culturally assimilating, "abducting", fetishising that child. Can't win can't win. Maybe I should go back one to the Saint Bernard adoption page.

Of course then it will look as though I care more for the dogs of the world than the needy children. How immature and selfish.

It is all so complex. But sometimes I am boggled by the people who don't see the complexity of it all, who declare love is colorblind, that racism is just the nasty bigoted few and that loving a child is all that counts. It does make one want to spend one's day digging in the garden and sleeping, doesn't it.

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Goodbye Michael. May your next life be kinder to you. - Thursday, Jun. 25, 2009
Taking Care of Your Cows - Thursday, Jun. 25, 2009
Saint Joseph robs the cradle and eats spaghetti - Sunday, Jun. 14, 2009
sticky notes and broken irises - Friday, Jun. 12, 2009
The FOODCOMMANDER - Monday, Jun. 08, 2009

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